Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
Wedding - Outside

"That's the normal kind, where I come from. Things get freaky." The uncle doesn't seem to be flirting. Mostly just paying them a compliment. He offers a hand to Ilpholin, seemingly not deterred by Darcy's shyness. "I'm Yeiun. Adir's uncle. You two are?"

Meanwhile, just nearby, Adir's great-grandfather drops into a chair with a groan. He holds his aching, skinny legs and sighs heavily.
Wedding - Outside

Ilpholin doesn't shake his hand, giving a bow instead.
Darcy might notice something unusual wrapped around Ilpholin's leg and trying to stay hidden under her dress when she does this.

"Ilpholin Xar'cha. And this is Darcy. We are friends of Sakura from Watchtower."

Time Tower

"Reinholdt, Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire." He says, giving his flourish, though without turning around. "And I do hope our goal is to crack this bowl in half rather than keep it from cracking, cause we're doing a decent job of the former. There's some text here, y s of keeping time. I think it's something something something ways of keeping time. If I had to guess. So far, from what I can tell, the mechanisms have reacted each time someone entered through the doorway and have gotten progressively more visible and longer." It's why he didn't notice when he came in, cause he was the first in.