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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warhammer 40K Tabletop XIV: "Pray for 6's!"

    Quote Originally Posted by filvento View Post
    So. Every Gk make like 3/4 Attacks, plus librarian, its 4 attacks per Gk like to scarabs so lets say 10 gks = 15 wounds on a 15 scarabs unit. So in 1 charge that Gks kill all my scarabs?
    Nope. Normal GKs have 1 attack each. And it's increasing the cost of the unit by half again to increase that to 2.

    Terminators and Purifiers have 2 attacks each, but are much more expensive and the upgrade to Falchions that gives them a 3rd attack is still almost universally considered the worst of their weapons due to the cost (partly the actual points cost, mostly the opportunity cost of not having the other, more awesome weapons). There is the Brotherhood Banner, which gives up one model's Force Weapon to add an extra attack to the rest of the unit, but only Terminators can take that.

    So he could have 10 GKs pumping out 4 Instant Death attacks each (minus the guy holding the banner), but then he's looking at 475 points just for that. And the Librarian? He's another 170 points on top of that. In most games, that's between a third and a quarter of his army. Much, much more expensive than the scarabs. Attacking a 645 point unit with your Scarabs isn't supposed to result in a win.

    Let me repeat that. He can do it for 645 points. You do not attack a deathstar like that unless you have it's hard counter. You stay away from it and shoot the rest of his army to death. And if he does get into CC, remember that Terminators can't Sweeping Advance (the big thing that Necrons hate about assault).

    Alternatively, Purifiers can get up to 3 attacks each for a total of 290 points for 10 (assuming no shooting upgrades), and the 170 for the Librarian. That's 460 points total. They're still just T4 Marines in power armour. How quickly can you shoot a tactical squad to death? Because that's how you kill Purifiers.
    Last edited by Tome; 2011-11-27 at 12:16 AM.
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