Riv's Hamlet

As a resident of Hamlet Rick probably knows what everyone knows about the guards; They just appeared out of nowhere one day, sent here by Riv to guard the town with no explanation other than that "They're here to protect you, don't **** with 'em". They don't speak, are never seen to eat, don't leave their posts at the wall until others arrive to take their place, and never bother any of the locals. Everything else is a mystery, no-one's even seen any of their faces. In fact, this is only the third time they've even entered town.

Now seeing as the twins are running towards the crime scene from completely opposite directions; one rushing out of the tavern, the other running into town from it's patrol around the walls, it's unlikely Rick manages to aim his shotgun at both of them. Not that it matters much, as whichever one he does attempt to waylay simply ignores him, clumsily dashing on past towards the people gathered around the grisly murder scene. Unless of course he does something to stop it. Considering the ungainly way in which they move, probably wouldn't be hard to step in the way or simply trip one.

Just Outside the Rusty Wheel

Warsh can't sneak out through the windows, because there aren't any! "Window" generally implies a flat plane of glass set over an opening, giving a nice view of the great outdoors without letting any of those annoying insects in. What the Rusty Wheel has are holes in the wall to let the air in during the summer, covered by heavy wooden shutters, which are currently latched shut. Fortunately the latches are on the inside, so despite the lack of windows Warsh should have no problems escaping from the tavern via the vents.

Outside it is indeed quite cold, the mountain clime only a few degrees above freezing, the hot air that rushes out of the tavern as the shutter is opened visible even in the darkness. Also quite visible are the scene between Rick and the guard, the two rather grisly corpses and the four villagers dissappearing into the night as they chase after Javert.

Riv's Hamlet- Ruined Side of Town

The space-warping fellow who was unfortunate enough to nearly catch Javert flinches as the assassin spins round, caught completely off guard as Javert slashes at his knees. By all accounts the move should have cleanly removed the pursuer's knee just below the joint, and yet as Javert shoots past there's a distinct lack of blade meeting flesh, merely the slightest of impacts as the edge of blade grazes the space-warper's leg.

If Javert has particularly keen vision as I suspect he might, the assassin may even spot the faint, nigh instaneous blur as his target instinctively warps sideways to avoid the killing blow. Whether this actually saves his life depends on whether the neurotoxin is deadly enough to kill from a minor wound that didn't hit any major veins. Or, for that matter, whether there's still enough poison on the blade to be lethal at all, considering Javert has already murdered three people with the daemonsword since applying the poison. Either way, the space-warped collapses, winded from exerting his powers to such an extent.

The other three, spotting Javert incoming, do their best to defend themselves. The two with guns, a lady with a single-barrel shotgun and a young man with a much more modern pistol, open fire, having the good sense to lead their target by a fair bit, while the one with the pitchfork lowers it to meet Jabert's charge. They may just be normal folks, but living in a wild magic zone tends to teach people at least little bit about how to hold one's own. Not that it's too likely to help the poor devils.