Elizabeth had remained unnaturally quiet during the conversation, trying not to think too hard about the puddles of monster blood she and the others were now trudging through. She wasn't squeamish, far from it, but it was just getting uncomfortable how invigorated she felt by the massive amount of dead.

She tried to listen in on the conversations the others were having, noting some odd details here and there but not contributing. I need to find something to distract myself... Now what were the others talking about again? The tendency of their companions to come and go so swiftly? She doubted any of them were dead- there was no evidence of that. More than likely, they'd just jumped ship to get away from the crazy.

"Ashley's disappeared on us, too." Elizabeth bit her lower lip as she nearly fell over onto one of the dead Mauthe Doogs, shaking off the haze. "Considering her past, maybe she didn't want to fight these mons- these guys? Whatever the case, I hope she's well."

Off one unpleasant subject and onto another. Ashley was probably the one who best tolerated her, and a good friend besides. Her disappearance was part of the reason for Elizabeth's discomfort. C'mon, there has to be something I can use to distract myself! She spun around suddenly, looking towards the third of the trio of friendly faces; the one who hadn't spoken yet.

"Anyways! You there! What's your name, and what's your personality quirk? Come on, don't be a shy, innocent one ripe for traumatizing and corrupting- we already have one of those!" The cleric thumbed to Layla for emphasis.