Riv's Hamlet - Ruined Side

Javert does indeed notice the shift and writes it down mentally. He's killed two people with this blade, and injured two more including the speed freak. The drunk was killed with a different blade. That said, there's just enough toxin on the tip of the blade to numb the person's leg for several hours and potentially cause quite a bit of nerve damage further along the road.

Seeing the trio that have turned to face him, Javert heads right for them, not bothering to try and dodge the bullets headed his way. Suddenly, the red powerblade shimmers into life and flicks across in front of him, deflecting the bullet from the pistol before his step stutters just slightly from the shotgun blast. His grunt of pain is silenced by the field around him, but he continues his charge with supernatural speed, running right through the hailstorm of pistol rounds assuming that the man is firing multiple shots. His body twists and bends, making it difficult for anything to really hit him, but every so often, there's another stuttered step.

And then he's on them.

The powerblade flicks out first to try and sever the pitchfork's head before the daemonblade spins in the assassin's hand with a blur in an attempt to cut off the hands of those with the guns before suddenly being slashed sideways towards the pitch-fork wielder's neck.

In the dark, a small trail of rather human like blood leads to him.