Beowulf is really strong and has some ridiculous "look how awesome I am" feats. But the ninjas in naruto are really strong, really fast and use magic. The speed really makes a massive difference, I'm pretty sure these guys are around dragon ball (pre-z) levels. The kind of speed that the guys who can lose spectators watching them from a fair distance can't follow. The standard ninjas (far weaker than the two we're talking about) are probably peak human skilled, with superhuman strength and speed, and magic. For example, it's pretty standard to see ninjas knocking kunai that are in flight out of the air with their own. They can usually jump double digit metres and enhance their strikes with chakra while fighting. The main weakness that the ninjas have is I'm not entirely sure about their toughness. While they seem to be almost proof against impacts that would kill a normal human, but it's not as if blades snap on them. Then again, it's possible with these two. Does anyone recall orochimaru or the fourth being hurt by a mundane sword?

So yeah, provided they don't get nailed by the basilisk stare I'm almost certain the ninjas take it.