Unfortunately, I have very little practice with figure drawing, but I'll chip in my two cents anyway in the hopes of being helpful. The first thing is that in the picture of Jayden as a soldier, her stage-left arm seems to be too curved; it looks a bit like it has an extra joint. To get the positioning you want with that pose, I think her upper arm needs to be closer in to her side, which will push her forearm toward the midline where the trigger is, without making the elbow curve as much. The other thing is that in a couple of the pictures, the feet look too large in comparison to the body (particularly relative to head size) which is something to keep in mind as you're laying things out.

That said, I'm enjoying this character redesign session and I find the logic behind them just as interesting as the finished product. I am curious though: will we see a Seer version of Jayden, or is that too far away from her personality even for an alternate universe?