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Thread: DM could use some advice

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    Colossus in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Dinosaur Museum aw yisss.

    Default Re: DM could use some advice

    Don't run a game you don't want to. Put your foot down on it: "In my game, I'm willing to allow dragon characters of this age and younger, and/or of these CRs and lower. If you want to play a game full of adult dragon PCs, you can DM it, because it's just not the sort of game I want to run." Alternatively, you could just put it in the basic game information: "I'm running a game of X level. You can be whatever you want, but your ECL must equal that."
    I would hope that, as fellow DMs, they would understand you not wanting to run a game you don't want to run.
    Last edited by Serpentine; 2011-12-03 at 03:20 AM.