Speaking of which, I dare Golemsvoice to point the "several sources" that claim the Tau use mass sterilization. Bonus points if those sources aren't from the faction that regularly exterminatus sterelizes whole planets. From his own side.
Dawn of War Dark Crusade, and apparently, Deathwatch, the RPG, which I haven't read, but I'll take hamishspence's word on this one. You'll not that the RPGs are considered a good source of 40K information by most of the people in this thread.

Bonus points, though, for you failing to realize that Exterminatus isn't something the Imperium is doing for fun, but because it's neccessary. Habitable planets are rare as hell, and the Imperium isn't going to sacrifice them just because somebody had a bad day. They are serious about this.

And again, you claim to love the senseless violence of 40K, but the Imperium exterminating planets is somehow "bad"? Or the Tau are utopian nice guys is cool and ok, while a Space Marine actually talking sense is boring and unneccesary?

But since we're doing challenges, what about Commander Farsight, who ran away with a sept of Tau? Seems like living in an ideal society wasn't enough for him, and something drove him into exile? Care to explain why somebody that should, as a commander, benefit the most from the caste system of the Tau turn his back on them?

things having to be resized for them doesn't mean things have to be made less sensitive for them, otherwise normal humans would have trouble pulling the triggers of bolters as the pull weight is set too high for them, or Cheesegear's aforementioned marine accidentally crushing the grip and trigger of his looted gun.
I think bolters for normal humans are slightly different than what Space Marines carry. Dark Heresy says something to that account.