A143: To the absolute best of my knowledge (because I once scoured many 3.P books for this myself) The raw materials required aren't specified. What they actually are is just a matter of fluff and is up to you and the DM. They could include a bunch of witch-y, "eye of newt" type materials if you want but just remember, logic dictates that the raw materials should include the materials that make up the physical (not magical) structure of the item. So if you're creating a necklace, you'll want some metal, jewels, etc. Again, pure fluff. If you and your DM want to assume that you transmute money into magic items, good for you.

As for portability, generally, you buy unspecified raw materials equal to half the desired item's cost while you're in town and can carry them (within reason and at the DM's discretion) around while you work on the item. In your case, you could store them with the rest of your crafting stuff in your portable hole. So yes; if you buy the materials in town and/or find them, etc and keep them with you, you can craft on the go.

But as I said, I've never found a concrete source for this. So I could be wrong, and in that case I welcome being proved such.