Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
Chapter specific wargear:
Thank you so very, very mcuh. You've made my day.

[I]Gilded Boltgun (Ultramarines)- not depicted but described as "dazzling"
The Bolter in the Command Squad box? Chuck some Sterngun mods to it (Scope, ammo cartridge from Storm Bolters) and done.

"Raven Pattern" Shotgun (Raven Guard)- has a "long black muzzle" attached reducing flash and sound
The Shadow in the Sky (Raven Guard) "A long, curved power sword like the talon of a bird"
Shotgun? Maybe I'll just cut up a Sniper Rifle to make a Stalker Plattern (see Telion) Sterngun.

I assume I'm to make the Raven Guard model out of Mk5/6 armour?

Surtur's Breath (Salamanders) heavier, more bulky flamer
Salamanders Mantle (Salamanders) "scaled cloak"
Promethean's Blessing (Salamanders) "inverse heat sink, which uses the excess power generated by the motor of a chain blade of the charge of a power weapon to project flame along its edge"
...And here I was not wanting to be 'obvious' by giving the Salamander a Flamer/Meltagun.
Salamander's Mantle I've done a couple of times. Using Dark Elf Corsairs. The conversion's on the 'net.
A sword...On fire. I didn't think the 40K-verse would go for something that tacky. Especially not on the Imperial side. Ah well, if it's a canon thing...

I'll probably make a Mk.4 Marine, or possibly use one of the Legion of the Damned with the fire all over their armour.

Chogoris Lightning Blade (White Scars)- "dazzling silver power sword with a jagged blade crafted in the shape of a lightning bolt"
Duelling Tulwar (White Scars) "short, curved blade" - not a powerfield weapon
Power Lance (White Scars) - see depictions of White Scars bikers
Chieftain Trophy Rack (White Scars)
Sounds like the sword in the Grey Knights trilogy. I was going to do one of those anyway.
Power Lance? Does it say anything about how you have to be mounted to use it? Ah well, I need to make a Kor'Sarro on Bike model anyway, and what better way than to have him be a White Scar anyway.
...I'll check my Dark Eldar bits, see if I've got anything there.

Digital Housing (Iron Hands) digital weapon in cybernetic limb, can be laser, melta or flamer
Recoil Baffling (Iron Hands) "compensation servos and suspensor cushions" for semi-auto and full auto weapons
Cool. Is it clip-size 1 like a Combi-Weapon? Might use one of the Sanguinary Guard guns to represent it.
I knew it. The Iron Hand is the Heavy, not the Engineer.

Rune Staff (Space Wolves) - see Space Wolves codex
The Magnir Runes (Space Wolves) "small stones inscribed with the signature runes of a Space Wolf Rune Priest"
Totem of Subetai (White Scars) "long staff adorned with a beast skull and a knot of coarse hair"
Psykers only, I assume?