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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Warhammer 40k fluff thread VI: WORDS FOR THE WORD GOD; DISCUSSIONS FOR THE DISCUS

    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
    Jurgen. When you find out who you're talking about, please let me know.

    And, "The Dark Age of Technology" proves the rest of it wrong. Remember - that utopic period in human history when humanity owned most of the galaxy without any significant rivals apart from the Eldar, who had much better things to do than worry about upstart monkies?
    He meant Jurten, the Commander who gave the order that started the atomic war on Krieg. Minor misspellings happen.

    But yeah, I was tempted to point out that misspelling, too. Mostly because the idea of Fenrik Jurgen the officer is endlessly amusing.

    Then the Imperium leadership are a bunch of hypocrites, because Inquisitors and Grey Knights mess directly with the foulest chaos stuff all the time and get away with it.

    I don't care how they do it, the IoM clearly have safe measures against chaos, yet they'll rather burn billions of innocents rather than apply whatever methods they use to keep inquisitors and grey knights safe.
    They'd love to do just that (although some of the protections the Grey Knights have probably wouldn't work for the majority of the human population, as they aren't powerful enough psykers). Got enough gene-seed for a trillion people, and the material to rewrite their personality? The Imperium certainly doesn't. As for inquisitors... Inquisitors go batty all the time. Well, not all the time (We just tend to hear mostly about the ones who do go nuts, because they make for more interesting stories. Inquisitors who are good at what they do make for boring stories, because they rarely do anything newsworthy (or at least, no one sees them do it)), but fairly often. Would it be nice if we could give everyone the training the inquisitors do? Yeah, but again, not everyone has the strength of personality to do it, and the Imperium doesn't have the resources to set up a permanent education system that can churn out a trillion Inquisitors every century or so.

    Who's supplying them the best guns and armor and know-how?
    Whose planets are they geting their raw resources and recruits again?
    Who keeps the corpse-candle in Terra that's vital for their navigation running?
    Who supplies the IG waves to do the brunt of the fighting so the SM can then strike the main points?
    Space Marines have their own planets to recruit from*, and Forge Worlds dedicated to churning out nothing but gear for their use. And the people who live on those Forge worlds are damn proud of this; If you were making the weapons an Angel would use in his service of god, wouldn't you be? As for who supplies the IG... The Imperial Guard and the Space Marines are two different things. I like the metaphor they use in the Big Rulebook; Space Marines are the sword of the Emperor (a precision weapon good for doing work that requires a fine touch, but not a lot else), while the Guard is the hammer of the emperor (A multi-purpose weapon/tool that can be used in a wide variety of situations). The Imperial Guard often don't work alongside the Space Marines, instead one is used to clean up after one or the other (Use Imperial Guardsmen to pacify a planet after a group of Marines makes a precision strike at the Xenos element corrupting it, or a Death Watch kill team applying a lot of force in a small place to wipe out the last, really hard to get to parts of a Genestealer infestation)

    *or can get them from any nearby planet, if they're a crusade chapter. And if you get picked to become a space marine, you take that chance. You don't have a choice yeah, but even if you had it, you wouldn't take it if you lived in the Imperium of Man. Space Marines are not called Angels of death just because they kill stuff. If an Angel came to you (put yourself in the shoes of a very religious person if you need to, as religious skeptics don't tend to live long in the IoM unless they're good at hiding it), and told you they needed you to train to become one, you'd leap at the chance.
    Last edited by Squark; 2011-12-07 at 06:05 PM.
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