More like saying that when we have a bomb threat, we can quickly call a bomb technician to take care of the situation. And even if no technician is available, at least evacuate the people nearby, even if there's the risk the one who put the bomb will escape in the confusion.

In the IoM, the bomb technician is a spoiled child that may or may not answer your call, and then the officers just decide to call a nuclear strike in the city where the bomb was "just to be safe".

What's the point of having an over-the-top IoM if they can't even do that? By all means, start with planetary governors, then important officers, promote investigation on how to make the process faster, mass-produce it, etc, etc. Kinda how we do with medicine.
Ahm, WHAT? The process that creates ONE SINGLE GK is incredibly painful, expensive, and would kill anyone who is not GK-material. That is, EVERYONE else. Probably even regular Space Marines.

And to carry on your example, in Warhammer 40K, anyone who would have been present when the bomb was discovered might become a bomb himself.

The only logic explanation is that the IoM is indeed a place of pure decay where they haven't managed to make any significant advance in 10.000 years.
There are a few recently developed tanks and weapons that prove you wrong there. Sorry. Sure, science isn't that big in the IoM, but it's not a place of pure stagnation either.

False, Grey Knights have a 0% betrayal rate. Their chapter master even waltz in the chaos realms itself whitout any trouble.
Yes. GKs. You remember what I said about becoming a GK. It's INCREDIBLY difficult, and only 0,00001% of humans are tough enough, AND are powerful psykers. Mosty Inquisitors are not. You're essentially saying that because one man climbed Mount Everest by himself, everyone could do it, anytime they liked.

I aparently know more than anyone else in this thread, since in the previous one people were seriously arguing stuff like Khorne being the weakest chaos god and his followers being a bunch of peaceful philosophers.
You should read that alout to yourself. Borgh answered that petty well.

In Krieg's case, the best plan would've been to escape the planet and then come back with reinforcments when available to crush the rebels whitout glassing the planet. Instead he decides to torch the planet.

But really, it's simply hilarious how the IoM in one moment has over a billion warships (that's a million ships per planet), and the other they have nothing to deal with a planet going rebel. Hurray for IoM innefeciency!
They DO have those ships. But remember the map that somebody posted? These ships are all over the place, and apparently, no fleet was available. Remember, it has to be a real fleet, since sending one or two ships would just mean those ships would be easily slaughter by orbital defences, in which case you've gained nothing and lost two ships.

Still didn't happen. Nyah!
You don't get what I'm saying. Or you don't want to get it.

The government ordered them to test it anyway. If the scientists didn't want permission, they wouldn't have pointed out that.

On the other hand, nowadays everybody's strictly forbidden from detonating more nuclear bombs in the planet's surface, even if just for test purposes.

And you still didn't provide military examples.
Borgh answered that one fine. And the H-Bomb isn't a military example? What IS, then?

So you do admit the SM are basically parasites with guns.
Yes, they are. And I never claimed otherwise. Just that they aren't parasites, because a parasite only takes. The SM give, a lot. By smashing the Emperor's enemies, which is basically ALL they ever do.

Each SM is built from the blood of hundreds of talented children. I don't care how good each SM is, I would rather have the hundreds of elite soldiers/engineers/leaders that don't have 50% chaos turn rate and actually follow orders. In particular when a lascannon/plasma gun hits just as hard whetever is a stormtrooper or a SM firing it.
SM don't have a monopoly on turning to Chaos. Those Stormtroopers could do it just as easily, and they'd lack the mental training that SMs receive. It's not like becoming a SM activates some deeply rooted desire to turn to Chaos which normal men don't have, which you seem to be implying.

-The IoM's technology works on the back of STCs, and any idiot can use those. We have records of feral worlds churning out ships thanks to those for emperor's sake!
Yes, there is ONE story of ONE feral world building ONE ship over the course of HUNDREDS of years. Industrial capacity, ahoy!

-Whatever creative sparks the dudes in Mars have, it's due to the void dragon being there. By all means replace them with ones more loyal.
There are enough Techpriests and Magi who are not on Mars, and a lot of research happens not on Mars. I'd even say most of what the AdMech does happens not on Mars, due to the simple fact that much more AdMech facilites are anyplace other than Mars. Sure, Mars is important, but it's not like nothing ever gets done anywhere else. Also, if you "replace them with someone more loyal", that means that the entire AdMech will likely turn on you. Horray civil war!