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Thread: Thanqol Learns To Draw!

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Thanqol Learns To Draw!

    Day 206: Nice Work

    Guess who forgot his art supplies on this trip? Time for crappy HB on printer paper blurry scrawl!

    On the plus side, I learned an enormously fantastic amount of stuff about painting. My great uncle was the legendary Constantin Kluge, 'the Poet of Paris', and his pieces are legendary. My grandmother's house is full of them, and just looking at them inspires me.

    Honestly, there's no better way to appreciate art than learning how to draw yourself. You can see just how amazing they are, just what tricks they used, rather than just being generically awestruck at the pretty.

    Imageshack flipped this, and you can hardly make anything out. Sorry 'bout that, it's slightly better than it looks.

    Last edited by Thanqol; 2011-12-10 at 05:59 AM.