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Thread: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Togliatti, Russia

    Default Re: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

    Her tail colors are odd however you look at them. But now that you mention it, I do seem to remember it being the other way around (drawing without reference again.. I just like doing that for some reason). The shading on it is a mess anyway, so no big loss to redo.

    Oh, and you do not want to read that story. Like, really. Not until the first chapter is rewritten to be, well, presentable. As it is, it's one giant crime against humanity. The image depicts a hypothetical event from the third chapter, we don't even have a proper draft for that one yet. I'm still wary of posting these, as technically they should count as spoilers, but since nothing's set in stone for those future chapters, I'm allowing myself some leeway. For all I know there won't be even a second chapter, if the group falls apart completely. Not a spoiler if the depicted events don't happen, right?

    I just like RD, and I like machinery, so the character concept is particularly appealing to me. It's went through a few iterations, though the base design remained, I just kept tweaking the artificial limbs. I could post those too, if you want a look.
    Last edited by Sean Mirrsen; 2011-12-15 at 03:49 AM.
    Bearer of the Psionic Flame
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