[Mithar Keep - Kitchen]

As the women come towards the kitchen, they'll be able to catch the scent of cooking hamburger. It would appear that Harnel is cooking something, indeed. what though? A ground beef skillet dinner, laden with wonderful spices and flavors.

He's humming nonchalantly as he cooks, thinking to himself. He was going to take the food up to Cessie in the library when it was finished, but it seems she's come down to him. He's wearing one of his robes at the moment

[Mithar Keep - Bedroom]

Harnel will have woken up by this point, but be content to simply wait while Cessie woke up.

"Good morning, beautiful," He says groggily "How are you feeling?"

[Mithar Keep - Kashi]

Harnel sighs and will go to sit in the doorway to Kashi's room, sitting against it. He doesn't really want to watch Kashi, instead intending to continue delivering gifts, but apparently Cessie had other ides.