Mithar Keep - Courtyard

Kashi is somewhat hampered by his small wingspan, which was built for gliding more than powered flight. However, he is very aerodynamic, and thanks to the shape of his body can turn on a dime.

In short, he'll probably lag behind the air elemental if it just flies straight away, but if it tries to turn he'll catch up very quickly. He won't tire of chasing the gem either, and if he gets close enough will purposely let it escape his grasp just to prolong the play.

Every so often a coin or trinket will fall to the ground behind him.

If the air elemental hasn't outpaced him after an hour, he'll land in front of Cessie, panting, and scurry up to try to rub his head against her leg.

"Snyyuuuuu..." Evidently he's pleased.

Mithar Keep - Pantry

Kashi blinks away his tears (which appear to be droplets of mercury) and raises his head off the floor. He gives Kirin a slow nod, intent on not having anything else beat him up this time.

Forgetting she can't understand him, he replies.

"Snyyuu! <I'm Kashi, and I can understand you just fine.>"