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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Unresolved Plot Point Collection Thread II

    Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
    Really? I think 804 served to lampshade how very ambiguous the question is at the moment, perhaps even to Sabine.

    Even the title of the page is "Where Her Loyalties Lie."
    See, nothing she says to Qarr indicates that she's anything but completely loyal to the IFCC ("You don't know what my orders are, Qarr."). The only ambiguity comes in with that last line at the end (and maybe, just maybe, with what she doesn't say), but I think Sabine sees no conflict at all between serving the IFCC and serving Nale, while Qarr does because he doesn't see the whole picture.

    What happens if there does become a conflict between serving the IFCC and serving Nale, that's still an open question.
    Last edited by Morgan Wick; 2011-12-30 at 05:14 PM.
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