Quote Originally Posted by Deploy View Post
The most important thing of any setting is the sort of feeling it brings. What's being written now is coming across to me as this: the humans are dead and gone and with them goes the greatest accomplishments, the remaining races struggle to survive in a dangerous and magical world that's getting more hostile all the time, the gods are uncaring and alien, more concerned with their petty squabble then who worships them. All in all it comes across as a post-post-apocalyptic world reverting back to a primal state.

I think this is awesome and makes it a very interesting and unique setting, but I want to make sure this is how everybody sees our setting.

What feeling do you see in it?
I would disagree with the alien and uncaring nature of the gods, at least in the case of most of the Moon Gods. At least half of them have well known manifestations that are generally seen at least a few times a year. Elethkeria alone is seen at least four times a year, during each of the Season festivals when her aspect changes.

I can definitely agree that the gods of the world itself have become distant - or flat out didn't care to begin with - but I see the Gods of the Sky as the for the most part 'older' of the deities. And they care deeply about their followers (well, at least most of them do) and the world in general. They had a hand in its creation, most of them feel obligated to at least try to look after it and its inhabitants.

On that note, I present to you the last of the Six:

Ceryna, the Wind of Fate

Ceryna is perhaps the most difficult to understand of all the Six - not without good reason however. The goddess of Weather and Fate, Ceryna's domain upon Loheis is - due to to the nature of the planet - rather extensive. She is the goddess of travelers all across the continents, the patron of many a well-to-do mercenary company or adventuring band. She was the one who taught the first of the Stormcrows, and she has acted as a guide and protector to those with the innate talent for weather working since that First.

Ceryna appears in the night sky as a deep sky blue, and her manifestation is that of a young woman wrapped in a long, hooded cloak seemingly woven from the sky itself. She holds long, fluted staff in her hands and her feet never touch the ground. Instead she glides across earth and sea with equal ease.

Ceryna has, rarely, appeared in person to turn back certain storms from the coasts, flash hurricanes known as Maelstroms. Maelstroms crackle with a fierce, untamed power that has never been understood by the peoples of Loheis. It is said that they are a manifestation of the conflicts between the Six, and that Ceryna's staff - Fateweaver - holds the absorbed might of each and every one of them.