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Thread: General Anime Discussion: Area 11

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: General Anime Discussion: Area 11

    One feels like inquiring as to what sexual desire actually entails. If you think of it, it doesn't exactly feel like "I want to have one or a few intercourse sessions with that person". There's more to lust than the actual sex. It's not really clear in my head right now, but I'd venture stuff related to "acquisition"/"posession" and "power dynamics" is mixed there somewhere.

    The problem with "base" feelings and motivations is that they tend to be, well, muddled, messy, weird. Maybe that's why some people who like to think they're masters of their own selves give up on that sort of impulse entirely.

    Still, I don't get why people beat themselves over simply having those feelings. Right now I'm dipping a little in Eva fanfiction, and I can't help but remember that sexual repression and reprehension, and its conflict with desire, is sort of a major theme in the story. Shinji spradically lusts after Misato, Rei and Asuka. Most infamously, his... getting overwhelmed with his lust... upon the vision of her comatose naked body brings his self-esteen into realms of negativity that were previously thought to be impossible. Asuka lusts after Shinji, Kaji, and is desperately and paradoxically in need of a powerful male figure to lead and protect her. Rei... who can tell what's going on with her... and that's just Rei II. Rei I viciously tears her "father's" lover apart, Rei III gets literally joined at the hip with Shinji... Misato shows off her body constantly (except when she puts her commander hat on) and this is somehow linked to a "skunk" self image and low self esteem. And lousy hygiene. Her relationship with Kaji... whoever heard of a one-week sex marathon? And she infamously made advances to Shinji, more than once, because she couldn't think of another way of encouraging him: she has communication issues... And about Gendou and the Akagis... Oh, I have opened such a can of worms, haven't I? Anyway, I just wanted to point out this self-hate over sex thing that's been going on for a while in many cultures, and which I'm trying to get, because I don't see the harm in lusting after people... I mean, what's the deal? Frustration? Obsession? Is that the problem? Aren't those stuff kind of basic self-control we're taught how to deal with as children, so we can move on to more complicated stuff?

    Am I making any sense to you guys?
    Last edited by Newman; 2012-01-07 at 11:39 AM.
    "Start slackin' off a little, then you slack off a little more, and next thing you know, you've turned all lazy and flabby"