Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
You're... coming across rather garbled.

I very much doubt that she's interested in why you chose now to tell her of your interest and it's not really at the heart of the matter anyway.

That you're interested in her is.

Really, that kind of thing being asked of you by her would be rather rude and a bit of a pointless question. So I don't really see the point in needlessly volunteering that information up when your priority was expressing interest without making any more of an ass of yourself than necessary.
As you've pointed out, I may have had a mild case of diarrhea of the keyboard in that email, and it probably wasn't all necessary. It is, however, how I think, talk, and otherwise communicate most of the time. One of my many, many faults, and honestly not one that's particularly high on my "fix this!" list, at least for the moment (I have enough other things that are more damaging).

However, I did go back and look at the email I sent (previous posts have been off of my memory of the email, not actually looking at it). In terms of wall-of-text issues, it'll obviously depend on what is defined as wall of text, but it isn't nearly as bad as I had implied earlier. It's 5 blocks of text (plus my name), 4 of which are only 2-3 sentences (2 lines, at least on my screen). The remaining (second) paragraph is longer: 6 lines, probably no more than 12 sentences or so, varying in length from short (~5 words) to long (maybe 15 words?). I haven't counted words in sentences, or sentences in the long paragraph.

Also, I think I was less garbled in the email than I have been in my last couple posts, but I haven't gone through it to check that (and I'm not going to, for a lot of reasons). The last post or 2 I haven't really put any thought into the words for, so a lack of clarity or sense isn't entirely surprising. Sadly, I'm just not in a mood (or maybe I'm just hungry, idk) to do much in the way of thinking about wording.