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Thread: Battle Royale III: Frenemy mine.

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    Ogre in the Playground
    deuterio12's Avatar

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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: Battle Royale III: Frenemy mine.

    If we're going by how "smart" metroid bosses are, Samus has faced her fair share of space pirate commandos, rival bounty hunters (including a shapechanger specialized in infiltration and manipulation) and highly advanced military AIs. It's simply an in-game limitation that they're limited to patterns.

    Of course, no matter how much of a tactical genius the swarmlord is or how fast he swings his sabers, when whitout an actual swarm to lord around, neither will help him the basic limitation of geting close enough to either Samus as they kite it.
    Last edited by deuterio12; 2012-01-08 at 05:10 PM.