So now that we now Redcloak can cast implosion, how does the OOTS keep from being slaughtered in one round? What tactical options are there?

As a starter, I'm thinking along the following lines ...

1) Implosion has a range of 25 feet, so engage redcloak from > 25 feet away. Redcloak uses protection from arrows, but Haley's magical bow can probably overcome that.

2) Vaarsuvius uses counterspell. Problem: Implosion is level 9 and Vaarsuvius can't cast level 9. Can Vaarsuvius counter implosion? Assuming Vaarsuvius rejoins the party?

3) Decoys. Have Elan create multiple illusions. If Redcloak can be tricked into wasting spell slots on illusions, that's less damage for the party to take. Come to think of it, this works against disintegration too.

4) Fortitude-boosting items and feats such as Great Fortitude. How high does fortitude have to be in order to make a fortitude save vs. implosion 4 times in a row? Does Roy have that ability? Could he simply absorb the attack, causing Redcloak to waste his spell and a round?

5) Fizzle. If something can disrupt Redcloak's spellcasting, such as constant melee attacks, Redcloak will lose most of his arsenal. Roy or Belkar could do this if they can get in range. Perhaps use invisibility to hide Belkar until he can jump onto Redcloak? But won't Redcloak have true seeing to stop this?

6) Anti-magic field. The problem with this is that it negates Durkon and Vaarsuvius as well. Also, the Crimson Mantle may be able to defeat the anti-magic field. Notice that in Start of Darkness Redcloak was able to continue to function magically in a similar magic-suppressing environment.

Am I missing anything? How else could this be done?

Corrollary question: Is it likely that Redcloak will use implosion against high-level adventurers? Or is it best used as crowd control against low-level creatures with horrible saves?


Brian P.