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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Old Blighty

    Default Re: Bleach V: Well that was a waste of time (Fullbring? What's that?)

    I am busily laughing my ass off at Ukitake and Kyoraku being so nostalgic about how Ichiho's grown up when they weren't looking, considering that Ukitake met him once (in order to give him a bugged badge) and Kyoraku has never actually had a conversation with him.

    Further amused by the apparent massive reform Soul Society has undergone in reaction to an abnormally-powerful teenager breaking and entering, and then beating up the Big Bad. I mean, sure, they still employ Mayuri, they still have a secret police, the Central 42 is still in charge, and we've heard nothing more about the hellish, ghettoized lower districts, but the Commander didn't order the murder of a former ally once they looked like they might be in trouble! That's progress!

    God, this manga has fallen so far from its promising beginnings. I'm going to spend my weekend re-reading Lucifer & Biscuit Hammer. Now that's quality storytelling; and he only needed 65 chapters to do it, too.
    Last edited by Revlid; 2012-01-13 at 08:16 AM.
    Thanks to Andraste for the Void avatar.
    My surviving Exalted homebrew can be found here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Bookworm
    Alright. Just for that, if we both make it into the game, the first test target for Total Annihilation whenever I get Solar sorcery is going to be you.