A Blooming Field

Ah yes, of course. For all her knowledge in areas he had no cause to even dream of, she was still only one person. One person who, lest he forget himself, seemed to be sorely lacking in the most basic of knowledge he was intimately familiar with. The reverse may very well be true.

He must approach this with care. He isn't certain how to relate what an earth shattering accomplishment this is. There is no analogy or logic that would be able to confer how high she has just raised humanity in his eyes.

Instead, he couches it in terms she might better understand, explaining the second reason such information is worth so much to him.

"We have made deals for information and companionship before. Such deals are common among gods. Exchanging of favors, coveting of ties. Now imagine if you will two tiers of society, the gulf between them completely severing the ties between one set of gods and another. Those on the hill remain cordial, but scorn us when our ears have turned away. What you have in your hands is the priveledge of the higher gods of the pantheon. Food so powerfully engrossing that to eat of it is to know love. The information you have given me in exchange is, if handled correctly, worth a thousand times more than that. It powerful enough to shake the faith of gods, to deny them the necessity of their own existence. They will want to know how mortals have surpassed them so, and how in their vanity they can restore the natural order."

Charon's excitement has bubbled over, but he manages to catch himself and stop his rant before he begins panting like a madman.

"This information does not only give me hope for a time when I may call humanity my equal, but also lays flat on my palm the ultimate bargaining chip. It outstrips even a golden apple, carved for the fairest."