Quote Originally Posted by Sean Mirrsen View Post
In other words, I got it covered.
Ok, nice. The movement range probably does not match nature, but having anything non-rigid and controllable sounds quite good.

Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
I am almost positive that there is some proportion mismatch here. Maybe Twilight's head is not quite the same size as Trixie's? Are the legs slightly off? The bodies? Something imperceptable to me is here, and it's kinda bugging me. Thoughts?

Also, any advice on how to make the swords more, umm, action-y, for lack of a better word? Speedlines aren't really doing it.
Twilight's body, as already mentioned by others, looks off. She's like a totem pole sticking out of the ground with hind legs attached to the sides.

To me, the swords seem short. But more importantly, they can't look action-y if they aren't performing any useful action. The ponies aren't trying to hit each other, or even push away the other's sword to have a clear shot at the opponent. Trixie's sword is swinging up into nothingness, Twilight's is swinging down into the ground. If one of them is blocking, then at least the other's sword should be moving in a threatening direction.