Quote Originally Posted by Sean Mirrsen View Post
Trying a variation of the previous pose with a more pronounced reaction, and moving AJ slightly away so that it doesn't look like her attack has already connected, so NMM is only reacting to RD's near miss, and preemptively recoiling from AJ and Rarity. Not sure what I wanted to do with the expression there, just tried something different to see if it worked.
I'm not seeing any problems with that setup; the angle is generally better and nothing feels out of place.

And oh! Just had an idea for what to do with Fluttershy - have her tending to/protecting Twilight somehow. Right now she kind of derps the entire picture with her passivity.

Also, I tried doing a new drawing yesterday, but managed to make it worse than the drawings I did a year ago, so I scrapped it. For some unfathomable reason, experience gained drawing ponies doesn't fully translate to drawing humanoids. Who woulda thunk it?
Urgh, I know, right?

Translates curiously well to drawing Powerpuff girls though.