Quote Originally Posted by ErrantX View Post
Perhaps combine Knight with Warmage and make for some kind of Mageknight? Alternately, perhaps a Knight/Cleric and make a How-it-should-be True Paladin prestige class. Druid/Knight who uses their animal companion as a mount and they are Knights of the Old Code, following the Old Ways of the world (very Arthurian). Consider using someone's homebrew, and make an ozodrin/knight who arms himself in armor of flesh with weapons of bone or use my Generator and combine it with Knight to make a Techno Knight.

Just some ideas.

Interesting idea, out mageknight is as overused as deathknight, druid/knight I don't really see working, ozodrin I don't personally like, and I don't know any other homebrew that uses CHA and resembles melee enough to mix it, with the exception of my netherhost-who needs a rework anyway as his current form is poor.

Still on the prowl...might change from knight to something else if I wont find a proper partner...