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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: The OOTS Reprint Drive at Kickstarter: Pledge now to get exclusive rewards!

    Quote Originally Posted by SaintRidley View Post
    If I understand what Kickstarter is showing me, I managed to luck into being the last person to pledge and select the $60 signed War and XPs option.


    This is a great and wonderful thing, Rich, and I look forward to seeing this meet and exceed its goal.
    Dammit, I wanted that one.

    Eesh. Giant, if I may suggest something, increasing the signed book rewards may be an excellent move. It looks like lots of people want it, an extra fifteen dollars for you merely by signing the book before you send it out, and some people who already have War and XPs might go up from backing with 10 dollars to 60 just to get a signed copy(for me at least, it's just the signed copy and the O-chul book that interest me).
    Last edited by MoonCat; 2012-01-22 at 03:08 PM.
    Spoiler: This signature is a historical relic from a long-ago time of regular forum activity.
    Aww man! Even all the witty self referencing sigs are gone now!
    Excellent Avatar by CheesePirate, Awesome banners by Pink Haired August
