Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
"...Rather interesting name you have, Fear," said Xalicus. He was getting a bad feeling with every new thing he heard.

"That place sounds like the kind of place where you'd go if you wanted someone gotten rid of. Or rather, the kind of place where you'd send someone else if you wanted them gotten rid of. Not really likeable."

"Pretty much. Like I said, there's a reason I never went there. And I suppose that my name is a bit unusual,"
she says, shrugging. "Still, not like I chose it. It's the same kind of name the rest of my family, and the other Tieflings I know, have."

Quote Originally Posted by Chas the mage View Post
He raises and eyebrow, and replies with a "whoa." he downs a shot "that sounds like a serious trip, I gotta see this." He seems rather intrigued by the concept.
"Alright," she says, smiling, and starting to concentrate.

After a moment, the hands of the clock in her left eyesocket turn, and an elaborate tattoo, asymetrical, but pretty, appears on her forehead, and her clothes turn to a reddress with gold embroidery.