[Erin's Emporium - Sales Floor]

Quote Originally Posted by Artemis97 View Post
Raril smiles. "Melee weapons. Good. And I'm looking for explosives. See how that works out? No problems. Now what were you explaining before? You ran past quite a few words I didn't quite understand. Were those the different sorts of explosives?" Now that the drow had gotten his way, he was quick to change the subject back to his original reason for being here. If he could track down, or eliminate, the source, he'd be one step closer to discovering who tried to murder his wife.
"Well, it depends on what you're wanting to do with the explosives. Semtex is the most common but we have a wide variety available..."
And Crissy starts rattling them off, from Lyddite to the very model of a modern high explosive.