Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
Why couldn't we have this conversation when he's sober?
Because when we're sober, we can check our hobgoblins. It's after we've had a few that all the collected unreasonable slights come out to play. (Believe you me. There's a reason I don't drink.)

Still, multiple levels of jaw-droppage here. First, it sounds like you two have been broken up long enough for him to have caught on that "I'll be with you forever" is just one of those empty things people say. It's like "we can cut taxes, raise spending, and still balance the budget"; nobody in their right mind actually believes it.

And then the part where he ragged on you like that. You, my dear, are owed a good number of apologies. Or you owe a good number of ass-kickings. Not just from/to him, if your other posts are any indication.