(Perception is just wisdom for me, by what about my Pokémon? Just a regular d20? I'll roll assuming that, and just ignore them if that was incorrect)

Zachariah looks around for the snow white body or red horns of something belonging to the Ralts line. It would be easier to spot that than their hair, even if that was what stuck out to most people. "Hey guys, keep an eye out. We should see some distant cousins of Era here."

(1d20)[15] Zachariah's spot
(1d20)[2] Ambrule's spot
(1d20)[19] Bullet's spot
(1d20)[5] Era's spot
(1d20)[8] Nox's spot (Not that he has to say anything)
(1d20)[16] Pyroclast's spot (Current dispositions means he might not want to say)
(1d20)[11] Garis's spot