I would like to request an Avatar. I tend to like some of the more detailed designs; and am working off of a mental image of a character of mine in another game.

Name:(if it helps envision him): Sarscorn, Axefiend
Gender: Male
Equipment: Heavy Armor. Plate Shoulder guards, helm and chest piece. The rest of the armor is more Leather, with plate sections sewn in. 2 Axes, each rather ornate, and a bow across the back. (Don’t need a quiver, but if you feel there’s enough room, feel free to include one.) The weapons are not magical. Golden Helmet, it has a Front-to-back plume-like metal blade, Romanesque.
Hair: Brown, short.
Race: Human
Class: Think “Fighter, who dual wields axes like a boss”
Pose: Axes sheathed at belt, but very visible. Arms are crossed, with the hands resting rather near the hilt of each weapon. Expression is very much like *smallammused* but if you can also make it look slightly hostile that would be amazing.
Colors: light greys for most of the armor, although variation is not discouraged. The Helmet is Gold. The rest is up to the artist.
If something not specified, feel free to exercise creative license, or ask, artist’s call.

I would be happy to give credit in my sig.

I'm working on aquiring an image of the guy. If I can before someones offered to draw it I'll try to get it on here, as it gives a much better representation.