Quote Originally Posted by keldorn View Post
Oh well, I couldn't wait that long. Here are the current top 15 projects in terms of money including both completed and open projects.
As an odd coincidence, I updated the Top 10 Projects section on the Kickstarer Wikipedia page just a few hours before you posted that. Turns out I could have just waited and copied you...

Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
I'm a little surprised Howard Tayler hasn't given the drive a plug, actually. Given that they share the Ookoodook connection, I was hoping a bump from that direction, and if the readership of Schlock Mercenary gets involved in this, it could provide with another major jump. It's not Penny Arcade level, but still quite a bit.

Edit: on the other hand, they did just recently have their own drive, so maybe they are tapped out.

Grey Wolf
Well, I contributed to both. I'll just go suggest it to Mr. Tayler on Facebook.