Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
1.) There may be a very few folks that tough it out with a mouse and patience, but in my own view, a tablet is probably the way to go if you want to do much of any digital art. You can still sketch things up on paper and scan them in, of course, but even a relatively cheap tablet will make life tons easier when you pick up the digital brush.
Alright, I think about picking one up the next time I see a PC store. Or maybe I can steal the one we have at work that no one ever uses...

I love the prawn cutie mark!

Regarding the mouth, I think the issue is that you've shown too much of the far side of it; the line that defines that part needs to curve closer to the front of the mouth, which will also shift the tongue placement. Other than that, it looks pretty neat!

EDIT: Oh, one other thing - I think her jawline curves too low, which gives the face a pudgy look. If you raised that a bit, I think you'd be in business.
Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
A squid girl pony!! I love that show!
I must echo Druid Droid's comment on the mouth and jaw. I like how you made her tail tentacles. A very nice touch.
Thanks guys!

I decided to do some mouth practice today, to try and get the hang of things. Actually using references this time :P

Success? (Ignore that dinosaur looking one near the bottom right ¬_¬)

You know what's funny? For the past week I couldn't get the idea of a Medusa pony out of my head.

Pony art,

It's Medusa pony! My first internet worthy OC! Isn't she cute?!

I'm still working on coloring that Twist image. But I took a break to do another greyscale image. I think it came out better then my Applejack with pie, but I dunno.

I almost forgot how much I like drawing snakes, you just start with a line and then go wild. I need to draw snakes more often.

More serious colored pictures will follow, I promise.
That's seriously awesome.