Quote Originally Posted by Starwulf View Post
Hmm, it's probably been a bit shorter time then that for me, but obviously, I'm not done yet, once I am, it probably will be 6 months since I started getting those cards. I'd say around Mid-Late September is when I got my first Thunder card, so just about 4 months right now.

What is everyones other dream qualities at right now? I have: Is Someone there 7, Death by Water 7, Burial of the Dead 6, The Fire Sermon 4, Game of Chess 2, What the Thunder Said 11.

What interesting things do the other dream qualities give?
You got Burial of the Dead past 5? Mine seemed to stop leveling up (in the same manner as Playing With Broken Toys), so I assumed it ran out of content and started deleting the cards. Maybe it's only a specific card or two that doesn't increase the dream quality.

Is Someone There is at 6, Death by Water 5, What the Thunder Said 2, Burial of the Dead 5, Fire Sermon 4, and Game of Chess 6. I may be able to give them up for my ambition soon What the Thunder Said is the only one that I really pursued; I deleted the others whenever my Nightmares were too high and I didn't want to take more.