Quote Originally Posted by Reluctance View Post

  • You say "I" a lot. You're describing yourself. If you'd actually read through the Profile Suggestions subforum, you'd see just how common that is. Not to mention how dull. Doubly so if you'd noticed one of the extremely common pieces of advice thrown around; read the competition's profiles, learn the cliches, and then avoid them like the plague.
  • Illustrate. Anybody can say that they're fun to be around. Just like anybody can say that they're a millionaire, that they've cured cancer, or that they have a gold-plated penis. You have to show these things if you want people to believe them. (Except for the last. Because ick.) And you have to show that you're a fun guy to spend time around if you want people to be interested in you.
  • Photos: Do you have fashion-forwards friends? Artsy ones? The volleyball one isn't half bad, the rest could use some polish. Women are just as shallow as men are, and chunky geeky dudes don't get much more attention than properly chunky geeky girls.
  • You have the Y chromosome, you'll have to do all the messaging. That's the way it is unless you're too high for the desirability meter to read, or until women fall right off of it. If you've read threads around, you'll see what works. And more to the point, very common things that don't.

Made some changes to the profile, but am still working on moving from "tell" to "show", as well as minimizing the I's.

I have very few friends who take many pictures, and sadly, the ones I do have are on the opposite coast from me. I swapped the volleyball shot to be the primary photo, however. Wanting to have more/better photos is usually on the back of my mind, though in the past it's usually just been wanting a better profile pic for facebook.

Yeah, I've sent a few messages (no responses so far - is there a typical response time for these? Mostly just curious on that front), and expect to be sending a lot more. Haven't been finding a lot of profiles that are particularly interesting. I guess that comes from wanting to avoid undergrads in a town that's 50% undergrads, and almost everyone has work-based connections to the university.