Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
Seeing how this would be the second set of universal augments (the first is Shifting), it would actually be appropriate as it's own feat. Maybe something like this:

Exotic Formed Features:
You have learned to make features out of unconventional substances, in addition to merely excreting them.
Prerequisites:Aberration Blood, Strange Energies
You gain access to all the following augments:

On a related note, you should have some formatting/logic errors. If you want those to have Thick Integument as a prerequisite, it should be listed listed under Cost like this:

:Additional CostZ
Requires AugmentY: Sentence or two explaining what a feature of this sort generally looks like and does (fluff). A couple of sentences worth of crunch, the mechanics of the augment.
I know I had multiple errors in the information itself, but I was primarily attempting to communicate the concepts of each item, there. I just knew that since there are several people much better at dealing with this class's features (no pun intended), I would only need to provide the fluff and a little bit of crunch before someone much better equipped to handle these ideas would (probably) grab a hold of it.

You need to list a DC for the saves, and you should list that most of them are mutually exlusive with others, but not with themselves (because by raw, Dual Integument doesn't do anything, since nothing stops you from stacking multiple integuments onto a feature anyway.).
"...are mutually exlusive with others, but not with themselves"
Er, come again? I'm sorry, but there's something that I'm not quite wrapping my head around.