Day 264: Dragon Month #6

"Not all Dragons are evil, however, and not all dragons are flesh and blood. The Radiant Dragonflight dwells in places of supernatural health and health regeneration, such as the positive energy planes. They are dragons made of light; angelic beings of healing and life.

"Unfortunately, there's a limit on how much life a human being can hold. Being in the presence of a Radiant Dragon fills your soul faster than it can handle. If you remain in it's presence too long you will simply explode like a new-born star. The proper counter to this is to take a dagger or other sharp implement and slit your own throat. The regenerative power of the dragon will cure the wound in seconds, and the expenditure of the ambient energy will prevent premature soul-detonation.

"While some Dragonologists might not have the courage to repeatedly commit suicide, I would like to caution strongly against half measures. Cowardice will not get you anywhere in this field, even with the gentlest of all dragons."

[Okay, this one didn't work out, primarily because I accidentally Skyrimmed my scheduled drawing time and had to slam this out in half an hour. I had some fun with paints and learned some interesting colouring facts but it was rushed and it shows.]


Time: 30 mins
Music: Anacora