Quote Originally Posted by Noctemwolf View Post
Hello all!*

I am writing this to inform you all that I will be departing temporarily. *This upcoming Tuesday, February the seventh, I will be on a plane to Texas to enter basic military training.
Of course, this means no Internet. So I bid a fond farewell to you all. Being here has meant a lot to me; it's. Even a place to lose stress, *but also one of much stress; reminding me of many of the flaws I have inbuilt that I need to deal with. Hopefully, my imminent demise at the hands of the training instructors can help alleviate this somewhat *(if you consider death a good Cure for... Well, anything really). *

(add to posts at giantitp)
I've enjoyed reading and following everything you guys do in here, the creativity and imagination is astounding to watch; it flows so naturally throughout here that it seems daunting, even! I hope to return to this great place at some point in the near future!*
Good luck to you sir! Come back when you can ^^

Quote Originally Posted by Dispozition View Post
I have eight, although 4 of them are more for photo editing. Anyway...My main 4 are set to Undo many (so alt+ctrl+z in photoshop, since undo only does one step), B (for brush) E (for eraser) and Alt (for colour picker). Anything else and I sort of just mash the keyboard until I get the right button. But that's because I only work in shortcuts, I'll barely touch the toolbar unless I'm doing obscure tool changing like colour changer brush and different lassos and stuff.
Currently I have Undo, Alt, Brush and Magic wand. The pen the tablet comes with also has an eraser tool on the end, which is neat.

Looks like your sensitivity is too high. Your drop off rate is really, really fast. Although that could also be that your brush size is far too small. Use a brush that's too big, I normally use 13 in photoshop, but it depends on the size of the document, and use less pressure. The more pressure you use, the less smooth the line will get if you're not being very fast and precise (which is how you should be doing it anyway).
Yeah, I've dropped the sensitivity a little and I've noticed the difference. Still not sure if it's perfect yet, still need to experiment.

Also, if you're using Photoshop, turn on the graphics setting thingy in one of the menus...I'll give proper directions later if you want, so you can rotate the canvas freely like in SAI. Don't try and do it all at the normal angle, since your hand just isn't built to draw certain lines.
I checked and I already seem to have that setting on. I've never used SAI so I'm not sure what you mean by "rotate the canvas freely".

Anywho, yesterday's stuff, since I didn't feel like posting. Firstly, a Rainbow Dash piece, since I wasn't sure if I'd drawn her before or not.

Good grief is drawing crossed arms ever hard! D:

And also a quick little attempt I did in Flash to see if there was much difference. There was.
Hello ladies!

I'm not sure how to erase the guidelines yet. Normally I can just break the vectors and delete the lines I don't want, but it didn't work this time for some reason.

And today I didn't feel like doing much, so I redid the tail on my pseudonatural pony, plus cleaned up some of the lines. You'll probably be able to see how changing the sensitivity affected the lines.