Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
Many thanks! I'll be honest, it's hard sometimes. The only time I get to draw on weekdays is after work, and a lot of the time I just plain don't want to draw, because I'm tired or cranky, or just in the mood for playing lots of video games. This is when I simply crank out a mediocre 10 minute sketch and say "Eh, it'll do."
I know how that goes

Still, I find that after a while, drawing can become pretty relaxing in and of itself, and I've come to enjoy doing it as a way to wind down after work.

Speaking of which, this:

Based on this:

Wrong angle, eyes too small, flat hair, wobbly lineart. But good enough, considering that I've been on a computer all day and my eyes are starting to hurt.

I'mma go lie down. X_X
Despite the things you pointed out, I think there's a lot of success here. It definitely captures the emotion present in the original, and a lot of the lines seem right, even if the overall tilt of the head is a bit off.

And now for some of my own long-delayed updates!

First, a perspective drawing of a corner of my apartment:

And then a profile drawing based on one by John Singer Sargent (who is really fantastic, by the way!):

One of the nice things about this learning to draw stuff is that I've run across a lot of artists I admire in the process, and I'm working to get some prints of theirs to put up around the house.