Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
Hmm. Do you have a phone with notifications or a calendar function? Or maybe an iPod that you use a lot with similar functionality. Or any way that you keep track of future engagements, really...

Because during a time like now while such is on your mind you could set aside a bit of time, go through upcoming events that you think will be nifty enough to generate some sweet pics, and just add in a little reminder or an event immediately preceding/following the event reminding you to take a camera & get pics taken of you (and even take some yourself too, maybe).

Unfortunately that's the only idea I've really had other than mentally coaching one's self about it until one remembered it naturally or as a matter of course.
My phone does have a calendar feature, but I almost never use it. That might change when I get a smartphone in May (when my phone contract is up and I can get a cheaper phone). Combine this with the fact that most of what I do that would generate good pictures are either fairly short notice (things like game nights), or don't lend themselves well to pictures, at least by people who are going to be there anyways (things like soccer and racquetball).