Quote Originally Posted by Veklim View Post
The re-write of focused shield looks pretty good actually, I feel it's slightly more balanced to the rest of the class, and gives weight to the credo 'The best offence is a good defence'. We'll see what bob thinks!
I like it more too. It really lets you choose whether you just want a wall or if you want a wall that discourages people from going through it. Thanks.

Quote Originally Posted by Veklim View Post
Yeah, the maths on the hands is back to where it was when I first saw this, give or take a hand. I don't think there's an issue with them being stretched, how many classes do you know which can use all their class features simultaneously? As I said before, limiting the hands is the only reasonable way of limiting the actions/round ratio for these guys.
The stretched part wasn't so much of can they use all of their abilities at one time as what I would consider someone of that level able to do with their class.

My math logic was basically this:

Once I can fly, I don't want to give up that mobility in or out of combat, but might sometimes toggle the indefinite part. Thus fly is basically always on.

When I can wield a weapon very far away, why shouldn't I? It gives AoO at its location and I can interrupt casters without focusing on them too highly. Still need to figure out how fast the weapons can move on any given round. Thus At least one weapon is always up, although having more up would mean I can cover more area. Just because I can only attack with one for a while doesn't mean I can't hold a sword to every bad guy for the threatened part.

Wasn't sure if the hands for Far Trick, Force Blast, and Disrupting Throw are only occupied at the time of their use or if they are occupied for the round till your next action. This needs clarification. I tended to keep one hand 'free' for purposes of say carrying some object with you, Disrupting Throw later, spontaneous need of blindsight next round, or some other unforseen need. That is why the numbers range and are not flat. Low end sacrifices the "just in case" hands, while the high ends were "if I had hands to do this, would I?"

I assumed that once you got blindsight to just needing a hand to maintain, you would. I mean, who wants to get jumped by ninjas?

Once you had walls, I assumed you always had one up in every combat, as I see no reason not to have one up. Although I never calculated them at the 2 hand improved damage method. That's why those levels all have the higher range to account for that and/or more walls.

But with all these maintaining things, you would have to stop all those, grab 7 swords, and then fling them all at one dude to make Greater TK Fighting close to useful. As currently figured, I only have the level 16-20 guy holding two swords assuming TWF...so really without more hands, that ability becomes...pretty to look at but not really used.

My suggestion was that at 20, the final ability replace it's last line that makes each hand count for double for purposes of manual dexterity with Mental Strength, with one that reads "The amount of hands granted from this class double." Then at level 20 he really becomes the master of TK. He wouldn't really need all those hands all the time, but it would make it possible to wall off the enemies, make it hurt, have enough weapons in the air to be terrifying, and still carry the party/enemies around the field.

Just remembered, I at no point factored carrying an enemy...

Quote Originally Posted by Veklim View Post
The feat should be TK class levels yes, I had already thought about that but forgot to edit! A Pure TK would not need the feat, a multiclassing TK would probably not find it essential since they'd not have the same dependency on them and they wouldn't be able to take it at all unless their first level was TK (in which case why bother multiclassing in the first place?!), so really it's an option for a standard, single class TK who wants more options. It scales nicely I think, but I wouldn't allow it to be taken multiple times, no. It's a big fat bonus to a class' core mechanic, see it like DragonWrought, or any of the Sorceror level 1 only feats, you either start your character with it, or you don't have it at all.
Pure TK wouldn't need if the bump was made to 2 hands/level, agreed. But without it, I would still be tempted to take it.
A multiclass one would find it useful sometimes, an extra hand means alot when you only have 1 otherwise (assuming low level).
Yeah this is definitely a class I see every level being useful.
But as it stands, I would take this feat, basically everytime I played a normal OR Unarmed TK. I realize we haven't really looked at that ACF much, but that is one I would seriously consider...
If only takeable once, it should say so, just to avoid any misconceptions.

Still need clarification about how many hands can be applied to one instance of force blast...i.e. I take my standard action, and fling 7 heavy rocks at you! (Potentially at level 20) Take 280d6! Also, is there a minimum of how far the rock must fly? Or can it be launched point blank for all potential damage?