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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Arse end of nowhere, UK

    Default Re: Telekineticist (3.5 D&D, PEACH)<-really, you should.

    Quote Originally Posted by DerTollUdo View Post
    I would say actually that this should be placed first in the class as it is the fundamental mechanic of the class.
    Makes sense I guess, there's not been a section explaining hands directly and that seemed wrong to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by DerTollUdo View Post
    You know, with all the changes proposed, I feel like rewording most of the earlier abilities. They have a lot of redundancy and misleading text. Perhaps I will undertake that later.
    Aye, that does seem to have become necessary now. Best to fix/rework the bits which need sorting, then compile once it's ready I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by DerTollUdo View Post
    I still feel like it should be a touch attack roll...why does the fighters plate mail stop you from wiggling his spline with your mind?
    Oh and he said he was going to probably a secondary effect for the save. I say nausea or staggered are good.
    Ranged touch attack eh? I guess you're right actually, a standard ranged attack makes little sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by DerTollUdo View Post
    Well, another thing that was pointed out to me was that the class doesn't get ghost touch until 17. About 5 levels past being needed. So if we want that ability to stay there it should be stronger...perhaps if we made it so that all class abilities freely affected incorporeal/ethereal or all coterminous planes at that point it would be worth it?
    Then put ghost touch to level 12 and give it a boost at 17th to affect all coterminous planes. Job done!

    Quote Originally Posted by DerTollUdo View Post
    Things pointed out: Does moving enemies with Mental Strength provoke AoOs? If not why not use it on our self and never provoke? Any of these class abilities provoke? Can we pick 2-3 class abilities and stick with them for all features? Why doesn't Cha replace all scores for TK since the spell does? For the TK fighting: since it is already done for the flight, can the number of rounds it can be sustained be bumped to stat SCORE rounds instead of mods when it gets higher? OR better yet, remove the duration as long as they weigh less then the casual load. Can hands use bows?
    Yes, it should provoke.
    That needs some clarification, but they're all (Su) until 20th so follow as per SRD I guess.
    Possibly, need to condense for the rewrite first.
    Perhaps that would be better, shifting away from Int so it's a 3 stat class makes the MAD a little more reasonable. Also cuts down on the Telekinesis description.
    Might make sense, we should check out the math again before that though!
    If the load is negligable then it shouldn't have a duration at higher levels perhaps.
    No, too fiddly and near impossible to aim. They can throw a fair distance already, what more do you want?!
    Last edited by Veklim; 2012-02-13 at 06:50 AM.