Feeling his connection to the blade of force sever, Roderick realizes this is no mere wraith. He moves towards any cover from the giant's stones, activates his ability to sense any evil close to him, and readies another turning attempt, should that wraith show itself again. His hands glow with the light of a torch as he mentally triggers his gloves to provide some light in these shadows.


Move 20' to cover if possible, move 20 closer to cover if not.

Free action Detect Evil, 60' turning on now, leaving on until mentioned otherwise.

Free action Gloves of the starry sky, light per spell.

Readied action to turn undead if wraith comes within line of effect of the turn.

Turn if needed: (1d20+6)[13]
Turn damage: (3d6+10)[24]

Do not rush those giants! Gain cover and see if we can draw them out!