Quote Originally Posted by Omniplex View Post
So, I'm making a Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Battles for a game. Was wondering what charms would be good for a Melee using combat focused Sidereal.
Uuuuuh. Well, first, recognize that the Sidereal Charmset is pretty effed up at the moment. There's errata on the way very soon, though.

For Melee, well, you only have seven Charms, so you might as well pick them all up. Impeding the Flow and Serenity in Blood are the obvious ones. ItF is an awesome semi-perfect and SiB lets you beat surprise attacks (plus the stuff that ItF won't block).

You probably want to go into Martial Arts, in any case, to expand your capabilities.

Grabbing Archery or Thrown for some ranged capability is good. Sidereal Archery is hilariously awesome, so I'd recommend that.

For non-combat stuff, really depends on what you want to do. What's your character like?