Quote Originally Posted by Turalisj View Post
Yes! Hang anyone who has anything to do with the Ink Monkeys! Get the torch 'n pitchforks! Core material only! [/sarcasm]
Quote Originally Posted by Yuki Akuma View Post
It's... still absolutely official content, you know.

Also: why would you say it like that? It's almost like you're trying to start an argument about the quality and/or validity of Ink Monkeys content.
No-no! Conflict is not my schtick. I like co-operation. If people feel differently about Ink Monkey material then that's fine.

Contrary to supposition, I'm glad that new material is added. I'm also glad that there are contributors who are willing to push their minds and creativity in such a way to make a more dynamic setting. I don't hold anything against the contributors personally. That'd just be really mean.

When I was first exposed to Ink Monkeys material I gathered an implicit statement there that, This material is not official. We have to get permission from John Chambers who signs off on it, indicating that nothing that we produce will ever be officially published. That was the gist of it. And that's the way that I've looked at it ever since. Ink Monkey material was home-brew when I first started investigating it. I like home-brew.

But just because I'm idealistic about home-brew doesn't mean I'd want to use it for every game.

Like Kyeudo ( or at least, I think it's like Kyeudo. Sorry if I'm wrong, Kyeudo! ), I like to tell my own tales. I don't like having to tell the same plot over and over with the same places and the same setting. That's not any fun. See where this is going yet...? Being confined to other peoples' stuff strips the fun out of a game for me.

More generically, it's not fun if I try to stifle other peoples' creativity. That's just not right. So feel free to think what you want, but that's my explanation.