A slightly more interesting take on the whole "Queen of Hell" thing (from a Skype convo yesterday):

So back in the day, everyone who attempted to get to the Imperial Manse control room died, except young Scarlet, who at some point made a deal with the Ebon Dragon for power and immortality. But see, there aren't any Charms for this. I mean, he could use adapted Cecy Charms, and the Wedding Band effectively makes her a Yozi in her own right, but that's pretty lame.

Back when the Usurpation hit, the Solars reacted in various ways. That one Solar/Lunar couple who never became corrupt went down trying to protect their mortal kingdom from rape-and-pillage dragonblooded. Desus got tricked and backstabbed like a loser. Reactions varied from person to person, based on character and madness.

Queen Merela, now fully aware that even she had lost the favor of Sol, flew into a Malfean, self-aggrandizing rage. She hated herself for becoming a new King of the Titans but she equally hated all her peers for falling with her, just as Malfeas does. Likewise did she hate the dragonblooded and Sidereals for being such cowards even though she consciously knew they couldn't have rebelled fairly. Enraged, she became a blazing sun of vengeance, killing everything nearby. Incidentally, *this* is how 200-something Solars managed to die all at once - friendly fire. While the Sidereals were able to trap the shards of all those that died around her, she would not submit and literally supernova'd, taking anyone left alive with her, her still blazing shard vanishing into the night, burning through space and finding the place it truly belonged, the place of eternal self-inflicted torment – Hell.

The Dragon, of course, found it first. He whispered calming lies to it and took it into his claws, clumsily copying the motions he'd seen Autochthon make on lesser projects. He forged a prototype that he would later refine to create the Green Sun Princes, but without the power of his fellows, he could only change so much. Yet the shard resisted him and would not be contained. He sent demon after demon into Creation, seeking the orihalcum band that had once been Merela's unofficial "engagement" ring from her godly lover. This he reforged in vitriol and his own spite, attuning it with the corrupted but still strong shard. He merely had to wait to find another headstrong young woman whom the shard could bond with.

The young Scarlet wasn't merely offered support in her venture within the Imperial Manse but rather legitimate rulership of Creation. She would be Queen of the children of Gaia and the Chosen who had ruled before them at once - should she reveal her fully glory, none could gainsay her. Yet something happened that the Dragon did not expect: the Empress-to-be took Merela's memories as her own. She did not resist but she did not bow; she became at once the dragonblooded lieutenant who had made the deal and the still-furious Solar Queen, who banished the Dragon's possessed soul without a second thought and marched into the manse's control room unopposed by the automated defenses.

Throughout her reign, she has supported the Wyld Hunt out of spite for her former peers who had become drunk on power and for their Mates who had been so cowardly as to flee to the Wyld. Yet above all else, she continues to hate herself for falling just as far, if not farther. She has groomed Mnemon to be a rival to her so that she can never rest on her laurels and supports the Roseblack in secret so that Mnemon may not rest either. She knew that the Dragon must one day eventually claim his due and bargained with those among the third circle who still remember nobility, she had made plans to thwart her husband-to-be long before he set his own plans in motion. Now, trapped in Hell yet again, she can only wait and hope that her daughter can rise to be the hero she once was and guide Creation to a peaceful future. Yet in her heart of hearts, she hopes above all else that Sol will find it in his heart to come for her, warped as she has become not just by the Ultimate Darkness but by her own.