Quote Originally Posted by Acanous View Post
If anyone here makes it to Master or Grandmaster, I demand a guide.
Specifically, a thread titled "Why you suck at starcraft (and how to suck less)"

I've been recently grinding out the accolades for custom VS AI (Done Very Hard, everything except "Get 100 wins". That'll take a whiiiile)
I've noticed that the Starcraft AI is what I like to refer to as "Smartarded". They won't attack anywhere they haven't scouted, and while using stealth is next to useless against them at first, if you've got ghosts or high templar kicking around, it's not like they make multiple layers of detection.

Silly Zerg AI, only having three overseers...
Ten reasons you (and I) suck:

1) You're not building enough workers.
2) You're not building enough units or depots/pylons/overlords.
3 You don't identify when its necessary to expand.
4) You're not macroing while you micro your army, and you're probably not microing at all.
5) You're not paying attention to timings.
6) When you lose you blame your opponent and not yourself.
7) You're afraid to ladder.
8) You ONLY ladder and never get any consistent practice.
9) You don't have playing-buddies to share replays with, talk strategy, and grind customs.
10) You're not building enough workers, units, and depots.